Hidden Barriers to Happiness Blog
Have you always wondered about the invisible forces that affect your health, wealth, relationships and happiness?
For over 25 years, first as a neuroscientist, then epidemiologist, and now as a Holistic Brain Health Practitioner, I’ve been passionate about identifying underlying causes of mental and cognitive health challenges. This blog reveals my discoveries from my academic training, my passion for functional medicine, psychology, sociology, energy medicine and what I’ve learned from identifying secrets held by the subconscious.
If you want more health, wealth, better relationships and more happiness, find out what could be getting in the way! When you sign up to get my Top 10 Tips for a Happy & Healthy Brain, you’ll also get 2-4 newsletters per month featuring my blog, “Hidden Barriers to Happiness”.
What are you waiting for? Knowledge is power!
More Benefits: Body Code 2.0!
As a holistic healer for a happy & healthy brain, I help clients eliminate the underlying imbalances that contribute to their personal, professional and wellness goals. The main strategy I use to do this is called the Body Code, invented by Dr. Bradley Nelson, and now he has just released a new and improved updated Body Code 2.0. While I was skeptical at first that he could improve upon much beyond the first version of the Body Code, I’ve been delighted and grateful that it was released just in time for new challenges I’ve been asked to address. Below are some highlights & benefits of what the Body Code 2.0 has to offer:
1.) Addictive Heart Energy:
An addictive heart energy is developed when we become attached to something or someone in lieu of receiving love and joy. (more…)
How to Heal A Broken Heart with the Emotion Code and Body Code
Left with a Broken Heart
Six months ago, I thought I’d met the man that was my soul mate. Our paths crossed in so many ways, I felt like I could talk to him forever, and I felt like I was getting strong messages from the divine that we were meant to be together. We became fast friends, but he told me he wasn’t yet ready for a relationship. But just three weeks ago, after seeing his excitement about a new woman he is dating, I realized, and then confirmed that he never had an interest in me in that way. I was devastated! He left me with a broken heart!
Stages of Grief
I went through all the 5 stages of grief 1. ) denial 2.) Anger 3.) Bargaining 4.) Depression and now I’m in 5.) acceptance. I was angry with him for not being (more…)
Listen to Your Body: The Secret to Getting Your Needs Met
When you experience physical or emotional pain or discomfort, or that gut feeling that something isn’t right, what do you do with that information?
Do you honor it? Or do you run away from it?
In America, we are taught to “stop crying like a baby”, and to be “cool”. We are busy! We have things to do, places to go, people to see, money to make! It’s what’s expected of us and it’s what everyone else is doing!
But with all the stimulation, the noise, the technology, the busyness, the thirst for excitement and thrill, are we loosing touch with our inner signals? Our ability to connect with our deepest needs? Our inherent wisdom?
What are the consequences of ignoring our body’s needs?
How to Release Emotional Pain
Emotions = our early warning system
When we are in any kind of pain, whether it be emotional or physical, it’s our bodies way of reminding us that it needs some attention. But often with pressures of modern day life, we have too much going on, and we can’t stop to take care of it. Plus we get societal pressure to be “cool”, resilient, and strong, and this encourages us to ignore the pain. However if we ignore our pain, we sabotage our abilities to heal. If we do this enough, the pain accumulates and stresses the body, resulting in a disease that becomes harder to fix than if we’d addressed the problem early.
John D. (Jack) Mayer says, “Emotions operate on many levels. They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect. Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action – they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person affects many aspects of the emotions.”
As a holistic healer who accesses the subconscious to determine underlying causes of symptoms, I often frequently find that releasing trapped emotions can not only drastically change our mental health, but it can substantially (sometimes completely) reduce our physical pain, improve our immune system, help us overcome our resistance to changing our behaviors, open our hearts, enhance our cognitive functioning, and increase our motivation, drive and well being.
But wouldn’t it be better if we could find a way to not trap them in the first place?
How to Help a Person With Depression
Do you have a friend, family or loved one with depression?
Perhaps they aren’t ready to admit it, or they don’t believe that they can be helped. Or perhaps they might not believe it’s worth the effort.
Yet your loved one needs people like you to help them get out of the rut they are in.
But what can you do?
How to Help an Addict in Denial
Do you know someone who seems to be in denial that they have a problem?
Maybe they are on the slippery slope towards being an alcoholic or drug addict, or eating too much junk food, and their habit is interfering with their job or school.
You probably are extremely worried about them, and you might feel exasperated, frustrated and overwhelmed by the problem.
This is one of the most difficult problems people face in relationships, and can be a considerable source of tension for families.
What can you do?
How to Help my Loved-One Get the Help They Need
Do you have a loved-one or family member that is struggling?
Maybe they are depressed, or can’t seem to be motivated?
Maybe they are struggling with an addiction and are finding solace in video games, alcohol, recreational drugs or food?
Has the topic of getting help caused a lot of tension between you?
You know that they need help. And yet approaching them on this subject can be extremely divisive and often leads to frustration and discouragement for you, and more tension in the relationship. What can you do to heal the wounds so that your friend or family member can get the help they so desperately need?
3 Things We Must Have in Place to Find the Love of Your Life!
Do you feel like you are always single? Do you wonder how others seem to be able to attract the people they want in their lives?
The Internal Workings of a Depressed vs. Healthy Mind
I find that many people who are depressed don’t know they are depressed, and can’t imagine how good life can be. As a person that has been depressed most of my life, thanks to EFT, the Emotion Code and the Body Code, I now finally know what it feels like to be mentally healthy. I thought it might be useful to both people who suffer with depression and those who’ve never experienced it, to know more about what it feels like to be on the other side.
When we are depressed, we tend to see things through a negative filter, but when we are happy, we have our positive filter on. The consequences to our behavior and experiences can be huge. Check out some of the scenarios below, and feel free to add any in the comments below!
Making New Year’s Resolutions Stick
Do you have trouble keeping New Year’s Resolutions?
Do you struggle with completing goals?
80% of us who set New Year’s resolutions end up dropping them by the end of January. What can we do to make them stick?
Changing habits that have been ingrained within us for years can be extrememly difficult to change. We may have already tried too many times, and gotten discouraged. Or changing ourselves has threatened our self concept, and how others relate to us, and that has made us want to revert back to our old habits. Also, using all that willpower and discipline can be exhausting!
Luckily, change is MUCH easier if you know how to do it effectively and with support. And it becomes even easier if you use powerful techniques like EFT to calm your fears and clear your blocks.
Come join us Monday Jan 14th, 2013 at the Greenlake Goal Setters with EFT meetup: