Hidden Barriers to Happiness Blog
Have you always wondered about the invisible forces that affect your health, wealth, relationships and happiness?
For over 25 years, first as a neuroscientist, then epidemiologist, and now as a Holistic Brain Health Practitioner, I’ve been passionate about identifying underlying causes of mental and cognitive health challenges. This blog reveals my discoveries from my academic training, my passion for functional medicine, psychology, sociology, energy medicine and what I’ve learned from identifying secrets held by the subconscious.
If you want more health, wealth, better relationships and more happiness, find out what could be getting in the way! When you sign up to get my Top 10 Tips for a Happy & Healthy Brain, you’ll also get 2-4 newsletters per month featuring my blog, “Hidden Barriers to Happiness”.
What are you waiting for? Knowledge is power!
What Makes Men Violent?
When I heard about the last mass shooting in Vegas, I felt physically ill. If the shooter was a Muslim or anything other than White, the media and politicians would label him as a terrorist.
If the shooter is White, they say that he has mental health issues.
But what has been the common denominator in 88 out of the last 91 shootings? It is that the shooter is a male.
While most men are not violent, most of the violence is committed by men. In fact, 90% of homicides are by men. And it is time that we as a country start to address the underlying causes before more lives are lost!
So what makes men violent?
Adventures in Pregnancy with the Body Code
I have a client who was told very young that she wouldn’t be able to get pregnant, and then she had an ectopic pregnancy in her 20’s. Now in her late 30’s, thanks to our work with the Body Code, she is pregnant! We also used the Body Code to help the fetus travel safely from the fallopian tubes to the uterus. One of the most moving part of the experience was finding (more…)
What Your Dentist Isn’t Telling You About Mercury
Do you still have mercury fillings?
Did you know that in 1991, the World Health Organization admitted that the predominant source of mercury is from your fillings? Check out the graph on this video!
Your dentist may have once told you that the mercury in your mouth is inert. But check out the video of the vapors coming from mercury with just the slightest stimulation!
How toxic is mercury? (more…)
Can We Reverse Alzheimer’s with the Body Code?
As a researcher in the fields of Neuroscience and Epidemiology, my primary research was in determining the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s. While I have believed that Alzheimer’s is preventable for a long time, when I was introduced to the Body Code, I began to wonder if it might be reversible. My first (probable) Alzheimer’s client gave me a lot of hope that it might be.
Here is the story:
Six Steps to Handling Stressful Situations We Can’t Control
This year America has been in crisis mode! With Hurricane Harvey and then Irma, the fires in the West coast, and the threats of nuclear war, I found the news to be extremely stressful! Lucky for me, this onslaught of bad news came when I was able to handle it. Years ago, I would have probably gotten overwhelmed and freaked out, and it would have effected my ability to work and sleep.
When the bad news just keeps coming, what is the best way to get through it and stay strong?
Pain and Sciatica Gone
I have a client who is a day laborer, and who was in a lot of pain. He had sciatica for 2 years, so he regularly struggled with pain in his lower back and down the backs of his legs. When bending over, he couldn’t reach below his knees without pain. He also pulled his left hamstring two years ago, and he would feel it when he walked.
I addressed his hamstring and his sciatica by using the wisdom of the subconscious to determine what parts of his body needed to heal. I then used the Body Code to release the barriers to healing that I found.
Just a few days after we worked together, (more…)
My Response to “That Won’t Work”
I was couch surfing in Portland, and stayed with *Stella who had in her words, “a very naughty cat. *Frankie was only a year old, had tons of kitten energy, but would regularly stalk her, lash out and scratch the couch. She told me that Frankie was vengeful and would regularly “get back at her” when she tried to discipline him.
Having taken classes on cat behavior, I had strong doubts about her interpretation of her cat’s behavior. As an expert on cat behavior, Jackson Galaxy says, (more…)
From Poverty to Abundance with the Body Code
*Karen had a coaching business that was her principle means of income. While she was able to pay her basic bills of food, utilities and rent, she had no money left for anything else. She was struggling to earn enough money to invest back into her business, and it had been 5 years since she had a vacation!
We released blocks to abundance. In addition to emotions, beliefs and sabotage stemming back from generations past, we found a couple of key beliefs that were getting in her way. While she was not consciously aware of these beliefs, her subconscious believed that her ability to keep money won’t last, and that she would not have the money she needed.
After releasing these beliefs, (more…)
Seven Underlying Causes of Racism
Many of us are disturbed by the increase of racial tensions that seems to be permeating the news these days. What I find especially upsetting is that this racial divide, especially between Blacks and Whites has not seemed to improve in many parts of the country for centuries.
I think it’s time that we envision an America where we can see beyond race.
I want to live in a country where we value each other’s cultures and experiences, where we try to forgive both ourselves and each other for past wrongs, and where we can recognize our privileges, and support those who don’t have the same opportunities.
But to first stop racism, we first have to understand what causes it in the first place.
From Struggle to Ease with Job Search
*Emily had spent 3 weeks in a job search for an administrative position full time. Because she had been a recruiter for many years, this was a very long time for someone with her experience and qualifications. She was looking for an administrative position because she believed that with a recruiting job, that it would be impossible to have a reasonable work-life balance. Given her experience, she was having a hard time believing her job search was taking more than just a couple of days!
The common theme she heard when interviewed, was that she was over qualified. It seemed employers didn’t believe she would find the job to be interesting. So we asked her subconscious what she needed to do to get a job.