Forgive But Don’t Forget

Forgive But Don’t Forget

I think the pressure to turn the other cheek (forgive) is damaging.


Yes.. Jesus turned the other cheek.

But Jesus wasn’t an abused wife of a narcissist who had been lying to her for decades about his infidelity or whereabouts.

Jesus didn’t have drug addicted or sociopathic parents, that chronically abused him.

Jesus didn’t grow up in a Romanian orphanage without loving touch, adequate food, with barely any stimulation.

And Jesus wasn’t a woman.

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How to Overcome Abandonment Issues

How to Overcome Abandonment Issues

Do you know someone who has abandonment issues?

My client (let’s call her Anne to protect her identity) came to me struggling with backaches, headaches and vision problems that came with stress, exhaustion and overwhelm.

She had been struggling with these issues for years. But they were getting worse when she returned back to work after taking a leave of absence.

With all the pain and fatigue, she was finding it a real challenge to manage all her responsibilities as a mom and a new business owner.

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5 Mindset Shifts For Healthy Relationships

5 Mindset Shifts For Healthy Relationships

Many of us struggle with having healthy relationships. No matter how hard I work on my relationships, at some point, I’ll run into conflicts. I can’t always save the relationship because it takes two for it to work, but I always learn from my experiences and strive to do better. Because I have struggled with my relationships for so many years, I’ve learned a lot.  So I thought I’d share some of my favorite  mindset shifts for healthy relationships that have helped me over the years.

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From Feeling Unloved to Hugged

From Feeling Unloved to Hugged

I have a client whose mother died when she was still a baby, and her dad remarried a woman who constantly berated her and made her feel unlovable. Her father was distant and never filled the void and abandonment that she felt after losing her mother. Consequently, she has struggled all her life with feeling unlovable, and desperately craved affection. Whenever I talked with her, her pattern was to criticize herself.

From Feeling Unloved to Hugged

We were working together to release subconscious barriers that made her feel unloved when she suddenly felt

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How to Get From Conflict to Understanding

How to Get From Conflict to Understanding

When we get frustrated with others, we can get mired in our stories and locked into repeating patterns of behavior. It’s easy to get stuck in the blaming game.

I went to a workshop with dementia care expert, Teepa Snow, this week. She gave a perfect example of why so many of us can get stuck in frustration mode with members of our family.

The biggest mistake we make in relationships is this:

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Is it Really “Common Sense”?

Is it Really “Common Sense”?

When I hear the phrase “It’s just common sense”, I cringe.

Why?   Because our version of “common sense” is based on our environment and past experiences.   What might be common sense to an American, can be very different than what is considered common sense to someone born in a different culture.

Case in point:

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