What to do When a Debate Gets Toxic
I admit that I can be very opinionated. I’m passionate about social justice, about treating people, animals and our mother earth compassionately, and I’m not a fan of policies that favor profit over our collective welfare. And my opinions, which I’m not afraid to share, frequently attract others who wish to “debate”. I say this in quotation marks because I believe we’ve lost understanding of the meaning of debate in this country. When I was young, I don’t remember politics being this vitriolic. I don’t remember people calling each other names or making personal insults to the degree that we do these days. I say this in quotations because I believe that as soon as the personal attacks begin, the person (or persons) who choose to engage in them are no longer debating. They are arguing.
And why is this distinction important?
Read MoreFor a Satisfying Relationship, Ask Yourself:
It is the season of love. And yet as a person that has been trying to ignore Valentine’s day for most of my life, I know this can be a difficult time for singles.
But by using the Body Code & releasing my heart wall, I’ve been steadily releasing my barriers to love and a healthy relationship, and for the first time in my life, I am celebrating Valentine’s day with a man that makes my heart sing!
The process of going from no love to love, or unsatisfying to satisfying relationships hasn’t been easy. I’ve had my share of bumps in the road! But I’ve learned some important lessons & wisdom along the way that I think will help you not only find love (romantically or platonically), but find deeply satisfying relationships as well!
The most important thing we need to do is
Read MoreRelationships and the Holidays
Holidays can be difficult times for people who are single or have difficult relationships with their families. Below are some tips for getting through the tough times:
1.) Difficult relationships
If you find being with family more stressful than being alone, but you still need to spend time with them, remember to
Read MoreMore Benefits: Body Code 2.0!
As a holistic healer for a happy & healthy brain, I help clients eliminate the underlying imbalances that contribute to their personal, professional and wellness goals. The main strategy I use to do this is called the Body Code, invented by Dr. Bradley Nelson, and now he has just released a new and improved updated Body Code 2.0. While I was skeptical at first that he could improve upon much beyond the first version of the Body Code, I’ve been delighted and grateful that it was released just in time for new challenges I’ve been asked to address. Below are some highlights & benefits of what the Body Code 2.0 has to offer:
1.) Addictive Heart Energy:
An addictive heart energy is developed when we become attached to something or someone in lieu of receiving love and joy.
How to Heal A Broken Heart with the Emotion Code and Body Code
Left with a Broken Heart
Six months ago, I thought I’d met the man that was my soul mate. Our paths crossed in so many ways, I felt like I could talk to him forever, and I felt like I was getting strong messages from the divine that we were meant to be together. We became fast friends, but he told me he wasn’t yet ready for a relationship. But just three weeks ago, after seeing his excitement about a new woman he is dating, I realized, and then confirmed that he never had an interest in me in that way. I was devastated! He left me with a broken heart!
Stages of Grief
I went through all the 5 stages of grief 1. ) denial 2.) Anger 3.) Bargaining 4.) Depression and now I’m in 5.) acceptance. I was angry with him for not being
Read MoreHow to Release Emotional Pain
Emotions = our early warning system
When we are in any kind of pain, whether it be emotional or physical, it’s our bodies way of reminding us that it needs some attention. But often with pressures of modern day life, we have too much going on, and we can’t stop to take care of it. Plus we get societal pressure to be “cool”, resilient, and strong, and this encourages us to ignore the pain. However if we ignore our pain, we sabotage our abilities to heal. If we do this enough, the pain accumulates and stresses the body, resulting in a disease that becomes harder to fix than if we’d addressed the problem early.
John D. (Jack) Mayer says, “Emotions operate on many levels. They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect. Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action – they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person affects many aspects of the emotions.”
As a holistic healer who accesses the subconscious to determine underlying causes of symptoms, I often frequently find that releasing trapped emotions can not only drastically change our mental health, but it can substantially (sometimes completely) reduce our physical pain, improve our immune system, help us overcome our resistance to changing our behaviors, open our hearts, enhance our cognitive functioning, and increase our motivation, drive and well being.
But wouldn’t it be better if we could find a way to not trap them in the first place?
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