How to Pick Yourself Up When Life Sucks

How to Pick Yourself Up When Life Sucks

On the way to a speaker’s conference in Vancouver, BC, I carpooled with Peter Feysa, who is a personal trainer, coach and film-maker.   He told me that he had just made 30 calls to retirement communities, asking if they would be interested in his workshop. I asked him how it went, and he said that he only got one positive response!   I asked, “What makes you so determined when you get turned down so many times? How do get past all the rejection?”   He told me the secret to his determination:

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7 Tips to Make your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

7 Tips to Make your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 71% of people keep their New Years Resolutions past 2 weeks, 64% past 1 month and 46% past 6 months.

So why is it so hard to make changes?

Because most of our actions are driven by subconscious drives!   95% of our brain processes are subconscious, and so if we consciously want to lose weight, our subconscious might be telling us that losing weight isn’t safe.

Then how do some people succeed?

It has to do with our self-efficacy, that is, our belief in our power to achieve our goal.   One important way to increase self-efficacy is to be educated about effective change.   Below are a few important tips to keep in mind if you want your New Years Resolutions to stick:

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How Well Do You Maintain Balance?

How Well Do You Maintain Balance?

Do you feel like your responsibilities are pulling you all over the place?  Are you struggling to maintain some balance in your life?   If so, you’re not alone.  Most of us have so many demands on our time and energy, that life can feel out of control.  Take this True/False quiz to see how well you are meeting responsibilities, while also recognizing and fulfilling personal needs and wants.

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5 Common Barriers to Productivity

5 Common Barriers to Productivity

Are you are feeling tired, unmotivated or distracted?

Are you struggling to get things done?


What are your Barriers to Productivity?

Lack of productivity could be a signal of underlying depression, an undiagnosed illness, a nutrient deficiency, insufficient quality sleep, lack of exercise or a bad diet. It could also due to negative belief systems or trapped emotions, feelings of sabotage or other energetic imbalances.   For some, specific jobs or relationships might have been key to our loss of drive.   Lack of productivity could also be a result of negative experiences of our ancestors.   Their reactions, belief systems, emotions, sabotage and more could have been passed down to us epigenetically, leaving us with less power to overcome obstacles put in our path.

Here are some common belief systems and emotional patterns that can get in our way:

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Feeling Stuck in Reaching your Personal Goals?

Feeling Stuck in Reaching your Personal Goals?

If you are feeling stuck in reaching your personal goals, here are some common excuses and how to bite them in the butt!

Do you have personal goals that you would like to achieve but just don’t seem to be making enough headway?

*Often time we let our excuses get in the way of achieving what is important to us.   But life is precious.  You never know how long you will have to live and how much time you’ll really have to reach your dreams.   Regularly working towards your dreams gives your life meaning, it enhances your self-worth, and it makes you more influential with others.   You have to decide, do you want to live a life you will celebrate OR regret in your old age?

Here are some common excuses we have, and some strategies to bite them in the butt!

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When Goal Setting Fails

When Goal Setting Fails

You’ve heard it all before.   To reach your goal, you have to visualize it, create a dream board, you have to think positive thoughts and get excited about it.   But what if  you can visualize your goals, but try as you might,  you just don’t find yourself that motivated to reach your goal?

For as long as I can remember, I had a really hard time being driven by goals.   Don’t get me wrong, I always completed classroom assignments, and in graduate school I wrote research papers, and completed my thesis, but what motivated me was not having a paper or completed thesis.  For me,  I was driven by something entirely different:

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