7 Fun Games to Exercise Your Brain

I love games, but I admit, I don’t love them them all. Give me a game that keeps me challenged, that is easy to learn, and I can do with others offline, and I’m usually happy.
So this is why I’m thrilled to share these awesome games that I learned about from Scott Lebhar, the manager at Marbles, the Brain Store in Seattle! Not only do they have a mission to find and distribute fun and easy-to-learn games, but they also help you develop 6 different critical skills!
What are they?
Critical thinking/planning, and Strategizing:

Do you remember the game of Tic Tac Toe? Well imagine a multiplayer, multilayer edition, called Otrio that can be played with 2-4 people. As you can see from the picture, it can be won in 3 different ways. Because there are a greater number of ways to win, and more players, this game challenges your ability to filter out unnecessary information as well. What area of the brain uses these skills? The frontal lobe! Check out a video demonstration of the game here.
2. Hand eye coordination

Spike Ball
The game Spike Ball, is a lot like volleyball, but you take it with you, and the net is replaced by a trampoline. It can even be played indoors by 2 or more players. The game exercises both your occipital lobe (for visual perception) and your cerebellum (for coordination). Check out an explanation of the game, and watch it in action.
3. Short Term Memory

The adorable game Pengaloo tests visual memory by asking you to remember which penguins have which colored eggs in their belly. Memory is a temporal lobe function, and also requires the hippocampus. Check out the video explanation of the game here.
4. Visual spatial skills
Katamino is a puzzle game that keep you busy solving 2 and 3 dimensional puzzles for very very long time. You can play the game alone or with up to 4 players. It will challenge your visual spatial and observation skills, which are found in the parietal and occipital cortices. Check out the video demonstration here.
Word Skills

The Marbles Store had 2 very different word games that are worth mentioning. Many people struggle with word finding when they get older, and the game Tapple addresses this perfectly. The players are asked to pick a card with a category, and players have to name things that fit into the category until the buzzer rings. The catch is that you can only use a category that starts with each letter once. Confused? Watch this demonstration video.
The other word finding game that sounds fun is Letter Tycoon. In this game you build words, but you can buy patents on certain letters to make a profit! Check out the video here.
Both games engage the left parietal and temporal lobes , which are responsible for language and word finding. Letter Tycoon also engages the frontal lobes as it involves strategic thinking as well.
6. Math Skills

Prime Climb
For kids and adults that need to work on their arithmetic skills, the game Prime Club is a winner! Players have to reach the center of the board by rolling the die, and find ways to use arithmetic to land on the goal. You can pick up prime cards along the way, and bump others off the board to ensure your win. Math skills are found in the parietal lobe, but also strategic thinking is required.
So next time you are looking for something fun to do, consider getting a few friends together to play some brain games! Not only will you be getting the cognitive and emotional benefits of being with friends, but you’ll be helping everyone develop essential neuropathways that will make them smarter!
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