Can We Reverse Alzheimer’s with the Body Code?

As a researcher in the fields of Neuroscience and Epidemiology, my primary research was in determining the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s. While I have believed that Alzheimer’s is preventable for a long time, when I was introduced to the Body Code, I began to wonder if it might be reversible. My first (probable) Alzheimer’s client gave me a lot of hope that it might be.
Here is the story:
Part 1: Alzheimer’s Patient Shows Dramatic Improvement After Body Code Sessions
Part 2: Elderly Patient Continues to Improve with the Body Code
Now I have more hope than ever because of the work done by Dr. Dale Bredesen. Learn more about his incredible results in my video: New Hope for Alzheimer’s.
Want more information? Check out Dr. Bredesen’s book, “The End of Alzheimer’s”.
Know anyone with Alzheimer’s in the family? Be share to share this with them!