To Fear or Not To Fear the Coronavirus

As a Holisitic Brain Health Practitioner, I’m a huge fan of Dr. Bruce Lipton, but he and many others are warning people about the dangers of fear, and I’m sensing a dismissing of the magnitide of this outbreak.
But as an epidemiologist, I think that’s dangerous.
We have to honor our emotions. They are there for a good reason. We want fear when we encounter a tiger. The Cornoavirus is today’s tiger.
That being said we need a balance.
Lets talk about healthy vs. vs. unhealthy fear.
Healthy fear:
I acknowledge this is happening, and I’m going to the take recommendations to reduce the risk of not only my catching the disease, but also spreading it to more vulnerable people.
(And if you have a government that is listening to public health officials as we do in WA state), I’m going to listen to guidelines outlined by our local government.
Unhealthy fear:
This does depend on the stage we are in, but an unhealthy fear is stocking up on months of supplies, unless the public health officials tell you to.
Unhealthy fear: means you aren’t sleeping at night, always on edge. Unhealthy fear is an over response to something that isn’t recommended by experts.
For example, in King County, stocking up on toilet paper for most people, is a result of unhealthy fear. But if you are in a high risk population group, or you’ve been exposed to someone with the virus, then stocking up to stay at home for 2-3 weeks, (and not hoarding) makes more sense.
Also, this is a great time to connect with others you know. If you are in a high risk group, maybe reach out to younger people or friends with young adults who can shop for you if you have to go into quarantine. And you can always order online.
But again, listen to what public health officials advise.
A healthy fear drives us to take the steps we need to protect ourselves.
But if you are completely overwhelmed or panicked, you aren’t going to be able to make the wisest choices. And that pertains to any decisions you have to make as a result of this virus.
So if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, I’m going to teach you a technique to calm you down.
Watch the video below:
Let’s do what we can. Practice good hygiene and social distancing. In my next video I’m going to be sharing some tips with my favorite healthy virus prevention strategies.
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