Pain and Sciatica Gone

I have a client who is a day laborer, and who was in a lot of pain. He had sciatica for 2 years, so he regularly struggled with pain in his lower back and down the backs of his legs. When bending over, he couldn’t reach below his knees without pain. He also pulled his left hamstring two years ago, and he would feel it when he walked.
I addressed his hamstring and his sciatica by using the wisdom of the subconscious to determine what parts of his body needed to heal. I then used the Body Code to release the barriers to healing that I found.
Just a few days after we worked together, all the pain went away! The pain went away despite the fact that he drove for 3 days, did a lot of heavy lifting and hard labor!
Other than releasing subconscious barriers, he is now stretching four times a day. While this is a contributing factor, I have used the Body Code to relieve other clients of sciatica as well.
Do you know anyone in a lot of pain? If they haven’t had had much success using traditional methods, then it is time to try something new! If the injury was caused by trauma or is leaving you in pain, the distress can make it harder to heal. Read more about the How the Mind Shapes Your Pain here. Contact me to schedule your complimentary consultation.