What messages are you broadcasting?

Have you noticed that some people radiate sexiness, smarts or a fun energy? While others might radiate pathetic, depressed or a more geeky energy?
It turns out we have messages that we often subconsciously broadcast to the universe, or even to ourselves, and much of it underlies how we act and present ourselves to the world.
My awareness of this was heightened recently while working on some troublesome behavior with my cat, Tivoli. Since we’ve moved to Seattle, Tivoli was begging persistently and frequently, and it was becoming a major source of stress for me. For the first time ever in her life (she is 8), I was beginning to consider finding her a new home.
And then I was introduced to Diane Garwood, an animal communicator and healing touch practitioner. Tivoli told her that “I am a mountain lion in a kitty body”, which was entirely consistent with her behavior! When I realized this was her broadcast message, I cleared it, and the begging was significantly reduced. She also went from being a hyperactive cat, to more sedate. And when Diane saw her again, she said that she no longer believed that she was a mountain lion!
I realized after clearing more broadcast messages that were affecting other aspects of her behavior, that clearing such messages could have a profound effect on how we see ourselves, our behavior and how we project to the world, and experience with myself, Tivoli and my clients has confirmed this!
Just a few examples of negative broadcast messages might include:
- “I’m unclean”
- “My body is ugly”
- “Feel sorry for me”
- “Leave me alone!”
- “I’m better than everyone!”
- “I’m unworthy”
Do you have negative broadcast messages that need to be cleared? If so, contact me, and lets get rid of them!
Contact me and let’s start your journey.