How to Let go of Excessive Worry
![How to Let go of Excessive Worry](
Do you worry too much?
One of big reasons why we worry so much is because we are trained for left brained verbal thinking. We are not trained to feel! In fact, we are often taught to “Just be cool”, thus encouraging us to deny our emotions. But these emotions don’t go away on their own. They get lodged in our tissues to reek havoc in our mental and physical health as we age.
Also if we couldn’t count on our parents while young, then we might have inadvertently been trained to worry. After all, we had lots of responsibilities. We needed to make sure everything was taken care of, and we had a roof over our heads. And because the world wasn’t safe, we felt like we had to worry, because who else would be responsible?
But the constant worry causes us an incredible amount of stress. Relaxation is difficult or near impossible. It is hard to enjoy life when are worrying all the time!
So how do we turn it off?
First of all, it is important to recognize the positive side of worrying. Worrying should be our alarm signal, and a trigger for us to take action.
For example, this weekend, meteorologists are predicting a storm in the Pacific Northwest that is expected to result in widespread power outages, and falling trees. They are saying it could be historic.
That was enough for me to make sure we had plenty of food in the house and for the deck to be cleared of anything that could be moved or knocked over by the storm. I made sure my batteries were charged and that we had plenty of water, and then I got back to my regular routine.
So in this case, worry compelled me to action, so that if the storm is indeed historic, that I’ll have done what I can to minimize damage and to be prepared. But any worry beyond that would cause me unnecessary stress.
So I’m grateful for my ability to worry, because it helps keep me safe.
So how do we let go of excessive worry?
By training our brains to slow down. The most effective way to do this is by learning to meditate. When we are worrying, our brains exhibit a lot of fast brainwave activity. Meditating slows those brain waves down from a high beta to an alpha state. In an alpha state, not only are we calm, but also happier. It gives us more power to be reflective of our thoughts and to see them from a helicopter view.
We can then see our thoughts as just thoughts, and thus we no longer feel like we have to own them. We can recognize that the story we are telling ourselves is not serving us, and we can let it go.
Worry is almost always accompanied by anxiety, and another way to let go of the worry is to concentrate on the feelings. This means letting go of the story, focusing on where the feelings are in the body and noticing their characteristics. Try combining this with this simple tip from Donna Eden, and you are likely to notice a shift.
If you are regularly battling the worry monster, then it is important to address the underlying causes that caused worry in the first place. If you did not have a stable childhood, or adults that you could count on, your root chakra (the chakra that helps you feel grounded and stable) probably needs a tune up. You likely formed unhealthy subconscious beliefs about the people or the world that reflected your reality at the time, but are no longer serving you. If you are interested in clearing the chronic worry pattern, and you are ready for a calmer and more enjoyable way to live, consider working with me to release those patterns. I had general anxiety disorder for most of my life. The stress gave me tremendous stomach pain, and made it very hard to enjoy my life. Why live that way when there are better options?
If you’d like to learn more about how I can help, listen to my interview on releasing subconscious barriers, the Key to Health and Happiness, and give me a call at 1855 ENERJOY for a complimentary consultation.
Know anyone that worries too much? Please share this with them!
“Tired Overworked Businesswoman At Office Covering Her Face With” courtesy of jk1991 at
“Stormy Weather Ahead Sign Shows Storm Warning Or Danger” courtesy of Stuart Miles at
“Woman Doing Yoga On Rock” courtesy of adamr at