Finally Getting Support

I have a client that wanted to break up with a guy that she was dating. All I knew was that she didn’t feel like he was good for her. We released subconscious barriers to make that easy for her, and we ended up mostly releasing despair around not getting support she needed.
The following week when I checked on her, she was smiling. She told me that she had broken up with him and that out of the blue all these people showed up to support her through the process! Plus she was now feeling supported by a friend about loosing a job which had been a great source of pain to her!
Was it just a coincidence that after releasing feelings of despair around not getting enough support, that she manifested the support she needed? Not according to the Law of Attraction!
I was skeptical about the Law of Attraction for years! But finally I decided to do my own experiments. Whenever I cleared my negative thoughts and emotions around they way my life used to be, it would change for the better! We attract what we vibrate!
Do you feel unsupported? Check out how I can help by releasing subconscious barriers with the Body Code. If this is a lifelong issue for you, you might be interested in my program Learn to Love Again. Ready to manifest the relationships you want? Contact me here to schedule a complimentary consultation.