Seven Questions to Create a Meaningful Life

pediatrician with a meaningful life

For decades, I was taught that I needed to accept what I could not change and have the wisdom to know the difference. Despite years as a graduate student in Neuroscience and post-doctoral fellowships in psychiatric epidemiology at the most prestigious medical schools in the country, whenever I saw a doctor or counselor at these same institutions, more often than not I would be told either my problem wasn’t real or that I just had to learn to accept it.

I had become disillusioned with Western medicine when I realized how little coursework my colleagues were getting in nutrition and lifestyle management, and how much coursework was dedicated to pharmacology.   There seemed to be an underlying motive in Western medicine that made me uncomfortable and they did not have a history of taking my problems seriously.

My search for meaning came through my struggles:

using potential to create a meaningful life

So I began to look for answers beyond.  I found various methods and strategies that helped here and there, but it wasn’t until I found the current methods I use that I began to believe that anything is possible.

After nine years of practice and hundreds of clients, I still stand by that belief.  I have clients who began with me with the belief that “nothing ever works”, and week after week, month after month, they too slowly start to develop a much more expansive view of what is possible.

My mission is to deliver hope for personal growth, whether it is in health, wealth, relationships or happiness. It is what keeps me going.  It drives my practice and gives me reason to keep trying, to keep working, and to keep learning, regardless of how tough my life can be. My life has been full of challenges, and it seems to constantly demand more and more of me. Without this commitment to a cause far greater than myself, I am not sure I would still be here today.  It gives me a reason to keep going, despite the odds against me.

The value of a meaningful life:

Like many others, having a passion and life purpose gives me a compass.  I make plans about my future, about who I need to be, and how to get there based on my greater mission.  I have a direction, a purpose and people to serve.  I have a message to deliver, and a commitment to make this world a better place.

But I have met others that don’t know what they want.  Without a direction, life becomes less organized, less focused and less directed.  Without a commitment to the world beyond themselves, they often don’t see a point in working hard.  They work to pay the bills, they may spend time with friends or family, but they seek pleasure that is more fleeting and less fulfilling.  Without a purpose, they are more susceptible to depression and addiction.

Do you need more of a passion filled life?

Here are some questions that will help you find your passionate life purpose.

What am I passionate about?

love what you do for a meaningful life

The first thing that needs to be explored is what you are passionate about.  To do so effectively, let go of what you’ve been told you should do, as well as any self-limiting beliefs.  Just connect with what brings you joy and a drive to keep going. 

To further explore this is, write about the times that made your heart sing.  Keep doing this until you find patterns.

2.  If I were at my best, what would I do right now?

Just for now, let go of all the discouragements about failures or challenges you’ve had in the past.  At this moment, you have been given a special power to be the best and highest version of yourself.  What would you do right now?

3.  If I were on a stage, and this was my one chance I had to make an impact, what would I say?

what to say for a meaningful life

Imagine that not only do you have that special power to be your best, but now the world is ready and eager to hear the lessons you’ve learned in life. What struggles have you overcome? What would be your most important life lesson?  Your chance is now!  Write it down!

4.  What is like to be exceptional?

If you were given a special power to be the best and highest version of yourself, what would that look like? 

5.  What is my contribution to the world going to be?

Embedded in this question are the following questions:

• What am I good at?
• What do I find easy?
• What is that special something that I have to offer?

You may find in your search that you will want to revisit the questions above after you have had a chance to let them marinate.

A key block however from finding your life’s purpose, is that you may just need to explore more.  Exposing yourself to more experiences allows unique connections to happen in order to spark new ideas.  Keeping your mind open will allow the ideas to flow.

The two questions below will help you open your mind to generate more ideas.

6.  What am I doing to keep my mind open?

keep your mind open to a meaningful life

Some examples of things that can keep your mind open and stimulate new ways of thinking:

• Open-ended questions
• Reading/listening/hearing/talking to inspired people, and hearing their stories
• Travel at home or abroad
• Going for a walk
• Meditation
• Taking new classes
• Volunteering
• Trying anything new

7.  What resources do I need to figure out how to have a meaningful life?

Some examples of resources include:

believe in yourself to build a meaningful life

• Inspirational stories: Check out the book, “The Story Telling
Secret:  From TED Speakers to Business Legends, Why Some Ideas Catch On and Others Don’t. “
• Website: I will teach you to be rich
• Self-assessment tools: What color is your Parachute?
13 Best Career Quizzes to Help you find your dream job
• Coaching: Life coaches are good at asking you questions to help you find your passion in life.
• Release barriers to identifying your passions.

We can easily get stuck in our own familiar thinking patterns.   Releasing those blocks can help us make decisions, and open our minds to the possibilities.  Also, a heart wall will get in the way of figuring out what you are passionate about. If you suspect you have blocks that are getting in your way, or if you have any self-limiting beliefs, I’ve helped many clients release these barriers to identify their passions.  Contact me here to schedule your complimentary consultation.

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