A Tale of Issues in our Tissues

A Tale of Issues in our Tissues

A client came to me because he wanted to address his difficulty in speaking his mind with his loved ones, when they were angry with him.  He was also experiencing a lot of dizziness.

I told him that I was being guided to address the dizziness first.  I discovered what the Chinese call a “liver blood deficiency”, and I released the imbalances that were driving that.

Then, like with most other physical conditions, I found out that I had to help him address a metaphysical question.

What is a metaphysical question?

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Find Love with the Emotion Code

Find Love with the Emotion Code

Are you finding yourself single once again on Valentine’s Day?

With all the commercial reminders around this holiday, it can be a stark reminder to those of us who are single, of what we don’t have.

But I have good news for you!  If you want to find love, I’m here to deliver a message of hope!

First here are a couple of things to consider to put this day in perspective:

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The Easiest Way to Stop Negative Self-Talk for Good!

The Easiest Way to Stop Negative Self-Talk for Good!

My client walked into my office on guard. She was stiff and seemed unable to relax.  While she had a pleasant demeanor, she really seemed to struggle with being at ease in her own skin.  In short, she reminded me of me just a few years ago.

How the negative self-talk began

I learned that she had a narcissistic father who was very controlling and critical.  With him she felt like she was always under a microscope, and that with every move she would make, she could be judged harshly.   I knew exactly what that felt like.   It is suffocating!   That kind of treatment left us both with generalized anxiety, self-contempt and constant self-criticism.   We both were constantly on guard.  We struggled with knowing who to trust, and often felt defensive.  For both of us, making decisions was fraught with anxiety.   We would always be second-guessing ourselves, and overly concerned about getting things right.   For her, the self-criticism and questioning her judgment continued long after her decisions were made!

The powerful effects of releasing negative self-talk

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The Unbelievable Effects of Developing Resilience

The Unbelievable Effects of Developing Resilience

So far, 2018 has dealt me with one punch in the gut after another. It began with the end of my relationship with my boyfriend who I was crazy about.  It has been full of problems with housemates, stress from a law from the EU that could destroy my business, friendships falling apart, stress from more work that I could handle, loneliness, and despair about having to move out of my beloved home.

I was feeling beaten up, run down, hopeless and quite depressed.  I was feeling like a victim to life.  In the midst of all this happening, I developed a giant and painful cyst on my back that needed regular attending to, but was extremely hard to reach.   The recommendations from my naturopath were helping, but the progress was far too slow, and I was having to consider surgical removal.

In trying to address the cyst, I discovered the metaphysical underpinnings.  The questions I got were, “What will it take to stop feeling sorry for myself?  And “What will it take to accept my life as a learning experience and look forward with hope?”

“Wow! “ I thought.. “how timely!”

In pondering these questions, I realized that I need to do a better job of bouncing back!  I needed to release barriers to building resilience.

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A Simple Answer to Memory Loss

A Simple Answer to Memory Loss

My elderly client came to me deeply concerned about her short term memory loss.  She would find that in casual conversations, she would forget important things that she was told just 2 minutes ago.  While planning simple trips (like going to the doctor), she would find that she had to keep making her plans over and over because she had forgotten what she originally had planned to do. She was also struggling with spelling words that had never given her trouble before, like “guilt”.  She would frequently have these “can’t think” moments.  She was worried that these could be signs of dementia.

Luckily, we discovered

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Is the Opposite of Addiction Connection? Exploring the Root Causes of Addictions

Is the Opposite of Addiction Connection?  Exploring the Root Causes of Addictions

The author of Chasing the Scream, Johann Hari states: “The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety – it’s connection”.

But can the causes of addictions be reduced down to just one simple reason?

In his TED talk, titled “Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong”, Hari argues that there is an underlying cause to addiction that isn’t being sufficiently addressed with addicts. He states that the current war on drugs does little to address what he says is the key underlying cause of addiction in the first place:   The lack of connection and profound loneliness that perpetuates their behavior.

What is the evidence he uses to support this argument?

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